About Us
In 1959, out of affection for the people of San Jose, Mildred Overfelt bestowed a gift of 33 acres to the City for a park "so there will be a place where people can find quiet contemplation in nature and beauty..."
The Chinese Cultural Garden is a feature of Overfelt Garden Park and was inspired in 1971 by Frank and Pauline Lowe.
Mr.Lowe deeply cherished the heritage of his native China and his adopted American
homeland. His vision to broaden the understanding between Eastern and Western
societies in a tranquil and beautiful setting achieved this, while fulfilling Mildred Overfelt’s original intent.
A partnership with the City of San José transformed six acres of Overfelt Gardens into a delightful setting of traditional Chinese culture, philosophy and architecture. The Chinese Cultural Garden represents the untiring efforts of Mr. Lowe and Dr. Chen Li-Fu of Taiwan plus many other citizens who saw the wisdom and value of this cultural collaboration for future generations, believing in the fulfillment of a dream that would advance peace and harmony.
Third generation, American born Pauline Lowe, wife of Frank Lowe, was also instrumental in the development of the Chinese Cultural Garden. Today she can be found at the park giving tours to classroom children during the week and greeting visitors every weekend. With her assistance, guests are taken on a journey through time, history, nature, legend and thoughtful reflections within the beauty of the park environment. Mrs. Lowe asserts that, "each item in this Park can be used to help anyone better understand life as the art of living..." She has been doing this since 1977.